That’s What it’s All About

Well 2019, I'm not quite sure I like you.  We've gotten off to a tumultuous start.  While I wish I could say it's because of the lack of NYE smooches, it's much less trivial than that. I landed back in Los Angeles to find out that my best friend's mom passed away suddenly in the... Continue Reading →

The Rundown

I fell yesterday.  Like a sad middle-aged lady all alone walking without an umbrella in the rain, I went down.  Hard.  It was a banana peel kind of fall.  I imagine it all happened in cartoon fashion.  Most people would probably get up real quick and be all embarrassed.  Nope.  Not this girl.  I just... Continue Reading →

The cell

If we let the world keep on spinning the way it is, before we know it, human contact will be extinct.  Everything we want is literally at our fingertips.  You can order delivery, deposit checks, send a message to a friend while ignoring a call from another, pay a debt via Venmo and confirm your... Continue Reading →

Home sweet Home

Home sweet home.  Home is such a vague term and yet it holds such a significant place in our hearts.  While it technically means the place where a person lives, it is so much more than that.  Home can be where you grew up, where your parents live, where you've raised your own family, where... Continue Reading →


In your lifetime, you're going to go through your fair share of roommates.  Some will be awesome, some will be very not awesome, some will be your friends, some will turn into 'just somebody that you used to know', some will be your personal reason for the existence of whiskey, some will remind you of... Continue Reading →

The Unofficial Superhero

Anytime any of my girlfriends have told me they are pregnant, there's always a split second of hesitance before my  reaction because two thoughts cross my mind.  The first one is OH MY GOODNESS, YOU'VE DECIDED TO MAKE A TINY HUMAN AND THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!  The second one is HOLY S#%* YOU'RE SOMEBODY'S MOM... Continue Reading →

I’m Old(er)

I find myself wishing I had the body I had 5 years ago.  Then I remember at that age, I was wishing for the body 5 years before that.  Sometimes I walk into rooms and forget why.  I'm so stubborn I'll stay there until I figure out why and now valuable chunks of my life... Continue Reading →

The All Girls School

I moved to Cincinnati the summer before 7th grade.  I learned very quickly that I would most likely be going to an all-girls Catholic High School.  That was the "thing" there.  It was in that moment I figured out we had actually moved to Hell. All girls?  Let's be honest, half of the reason I... Continue Reading →

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